Inflation Duration

Hello all, I have been thinking about the inflation duration, what we currently have set for 10 years. I am worried if we gives out 1/6 of total economy’s coin during first year, assuming spacemesh doesnt become an immediate blockbuster, few megascale miners might suck un proportional stake of total economy. Id appreciate thought on extending inflation duration?


Personally, I like Grin-style constant inflation. I doubt Spacemesh investors would be onboard with that, so I am for extending inflation duration. I think it’s critical that we make Spacemesh a platform that people feel is worthwhile to contribute to even many years after the initial launch, and I think smesher rewards, along with things like a smart grants + bounties program, are an important part of that. I suppose this needs to be balanced against the need to attract many smeshers early on, to have a sufficient degree of network security.